My 2011 Chevy Beat: Confused whether I should keep, sell or scrap?

Will I even get an incentive if I decide to scrap the car?

BHPian Diablo37989 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Why I want to sell the Chevy Beat:

Why I want to keep the Chevy Beat:

Other concerns

Here’s what GTO had to say on the matter:

I am a proponent of keeping cars for long, but even then, 10 years is the usual cap for me.

That being said, keeping your unique situation in mind, I would suggest retaining the car.

No one knows what will happen 3 years from now. Chill. Heck, the US government may or may not be shutting down next week!

No difference between your resale today and 3 years from now, it’s already well-depreciated.

You seem to be happy with it and the Beat seems to be the perfect BEATer car!

Agreed. Keep it running for as long as possible – a competent independent mechanic will be able to get the spares to keep your car running. Once it reaches the end of the road, use it to reserve your parking spot. An empty parking spot/house/office in Mumbai is an invitation to illegal encroachment.

Here’s what BHPian ssathiyanarayan had to say on the matter:

After reading your post I’m feeling like, the “Brain tells to sell, but the Heart is yelling to hold” moment. As GTO rightly pointed out hold your current steed, the current state of affairs is very dynamic, any decision is bound to get reversed. Who knows anything might happen anytime. “Sail till the ship takes you with the wind” will be my advice.

The Fonz also has a point with small EVs. Provided there is sufficient support for EVs in your area, EVs can be handy in your city running. The Tata Tiago EV/ MG Comet EV sounds like a good option and a reliable second fiddle to your Beat until it takes the reigns.

Here’s what BHPian saikishor had to say on the matter:

As a fellow Chevrolet Beat owner(albeit in petrol), I would suggest using the car till it works or till the RC is valid. If it stops running, scrap the car. If the car still runs even after the RC has expired, get the RC renewed and continue using it. The Beat was a decently popular car and given the number of cars still on the road, spares should not be an issue. I did hear from my mechanic that Chevrolet will continue to supply parts till 2027. The resale value of your car will range from 1-1.5 lacs and might stay the same for let’s say another year or two.

Chevrolet did have an operational factory till 2020 and they recently sold it to Hyundai, so I’m curious as to how the parts distribution will be from now on. Of course, they have a robust parts distribution centre (as per their website) but I am very curious as to how the situation will be from now on. Either way, just continue using the car till it runs.

Here’s what BHPian myavu had to say on the matter:

A Beat Petrol owner on this side. She is 13 years and 4 months old now. ODO @ 1,15,000 km.

Beat is a well-engineered car hence no rattle and creeks to date. Don’t worry about parts. There are plenty of Beats running around and all parts are available through Boodmo or through other local supplies.

Use your car till it disintegrates (impossible due to its build quality )

I got a 2016 Figo from my FIL and driving it for the last 2 weeks. Today morning when I was about to leave for the office noticed the flattened front tyre. So took the Beat out. Now I realize what I was missing in Figo. The Beat is compact as well as heavy. It is a point-and-shoot type car. Hence easy to drive through congested cities like Delhi. Excellent hydraulic power steering (Petrol models only) is well calibrated for feel and feedback.

Keep driving your Beat. It is one kind of car which is never going to happen again.

Here’s what BHPian Mortis had to say on the matter:

I’m also in a similar boat. I have a Beat petrol from 2011 and while overall it’s in good condition with 56k km on the ODO, it’s not been used very often since Covid as I drive a Dzire most of the time now which I kind of regret buying due to the numerous issues it’s hard in the last 5 years of ownership. My wife used the Best earlier but then her work changed and she doesn’t have a lot of local travel so the Best gets only occasional use.

The reasons I want to replace it are:

  1. Somehow it “aged” during the Covid lockdowns where it saw only occasional maintenance use. It’s still mechanically sound other than maybe a change of front suspension bushes and a new exhaust since the old one has rusted through in a few spots. The engine is still beautifully smooth.
  2. During this year’s rains the car washing guy left doors open or cleaned the car while it was pouring. As a result, the interiors got soaked and without any sunny days, mould created an issue. I got the interiors cleaned professionally and while it looks as good as it was, it was heartbreaking to see my car which till then still had traces of the new car smell, in that pathetic condition. Plus since it couldn’t be tended to for a couple of weeks due to the weather and my inability to find a good doorstep detailer (didn’t want to drive it in biohazard condition), the speakers shorted out and bubbles developed in the MID with a dimmed screen and there are some rust spots under the door seals.
  3. Itch for an automatic. Makes sense in Mumbai traffic. I’m on the lookout for a Polo GT TSI for an FTD auto or a Nano AMT for a practical one. Used car prices are currently ridiculous though and I’m kind of scared of getting a lemon, especially at current prices. None of the current cars available in my budget tick all the boxes for me, again at the prices nowadays. The only “new” replacement I would consider is the Citroen C3 if they launched an automatic.

Whenever I do drive the car, it’s a joyful experience compared to the Dzire with its “fabled” K12 engine. The build quality is really good for its time and price bracket. It’s aged better than the 5-year-old Dzire.

I guess the drive and build quality of the Beat is the reason why I still see Beats in Mumbai quite regularly while its competitors at the time – the Ritz, Micra and original Figo have been absent for quite a while.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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