Puspakom Customer Day 2023 goes nationwide with free window tinting inspection, advice, snacks – paultan.org

Acquired an imported and/or used car and wondering what’s the existing window tint’s visible light transmission (VLT) levels? Some cars are also lightly tinted from the factory, and knowing the current level will ensure that you don’t surpass the permissible level after you install your own tint. Knowing where you stand in terms of VLT would also mean peace of mind when you encounter a JPJ road block.

But how do you find out? Puspakom has the tools and the Puspakom Customer Day 2023 is going nationwide offering free window tint inspection. There are also happy hours (we’re not sure what this really is), advice regarding vehicle inspection and a free flow of snacks for all.

The Puspakom Customer Day is happening at the inspection company’s branches in Johor, Melaka, Penang, Perak, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. The exact dates are below.

Looking to sell your car? Sell it with myTukar.

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