M_M special number plate series collects RM20m for govt – 25k bidders, M1M for RM622k, M5M RM500k – paultan.org

The M_M special number plate series released in conjunction with Malaysia’s 66th National Day celebrations has collected RM20,091,070 for the government. The plate, which stands for ‘Malaysia Merdeka’, was open for bidding on JPJ eBid from August 31 till September 4.

It was well received, of course. According to JPJ, there were a total of 25,033 bidders and out of the total, 6,872 bidders won the plates they desired and received the confirmation letter on September 5.

The winning bid for M1M was the highest at RM622k, while two very rich people duked it out for M5M, which eventually went for RM500k. The third highest winning bid was RM450k for M8M. The cheapest single digit number is M3M, which went for RM268k.

The numbers that received the highest number of bidders were M101M, M155M and M51M, which saw 39, 33 and 32 bidders respectively. See the list below for the top numbers. Were you in the race and were you successful?

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