Thousands could get a Blue Badge today – full list of people who qualify

Older drivers and motorists suffering from disabilities may “automatically qualify” for a Blue Badge pass. 

The scheme allows vulnerable road users who struggle to walk to park in areas off-limits to other road users.

These bays are usually located closer to amenities such as supermarkets making trips a lot easier for those who are struggling. 

Anyone suffering from hidden disabilities such as dementia and Parkinson’s Disease may also secure a pass in some circumstances.

A badge costs £10 in England and £20 in Scotland but each card is valid for a whopping three years.

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Blue badge applicants are usually divided into those who will “automatically” receive a badge and those who “may be eligible”. 

According to GOV.UK, individuals will be entitled to a Blue Badge if they are aged three or over and at least one of the following situations is valid. 

These include people who are blind or those who are receiving Disability Living Allowance benefits. 

Those who are registered as blind or people who receive some form of Personal Independence payment are also likely to receive a Blue Badge card.

Previous Government statistics have shown there are a whopping 2.3 million Blue Badge holders in the UK, making up around four percent of the population.

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Full list of automatic Blue Badge qualifiers

  • You receive the higher rate of the mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • You receive a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) because you can’t walk more than 50 metres (a score of eight points or more under the ‘moving around’ activity of the mobility component)
  • You are registered blind (severely sight impaired)
  • You receive a War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement
  • You have received a lump sum benefit within tariff levels one to eight of the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation) Scheme and have been certified as having a permanent and substantial disability that causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking
  • You receive the mobility component of PIP and have obtained 10 points specifically for descriptor E under the ‘planning and following journeys’ activity, on the grounds that you are unable to undertake any journey because it would cause you overwhelming psychological distress

However, officials have stressed motorists may still be able to get access to a Blue Badge under other circumstances. Individuals will have a case if they cannot walk at all or cannot walk without the help of someone else. 

Those with a life-limiting illness, which means you cannot walk will also be considered for a pass. People suffering from a severe disability in both arms or those suffering from extreme anxiety could also get access to the Blue Badge scheme. 

Motorists with a child under the age of three with a medical condition that requires bulky medical equipment may also get one. The council will usually consider individual Blue Badge applications within around three months. 

GOV.UK explained: “Your local council will decide if you are eligible for a badge. They cannot start the assessment process until they have all the necessary evidence. It may take 12 weeks or longer to assess your application.”

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