Motorists face £1,000 fine for failing to clear leaves in little-known rule

Drivers could be slapped with a heavy £1,000 fine for failing to clear leaves from their car this autumn, according to experts.

The little-known driving rule could be a breach of road vehicle regulations with motorists set to pay the price.

Specialists at Go Car Credit warn leaves may “impede visibility” and should be removed from windscreens on a regular basis.

Failure to clear a windscreen could lead to an obstruction with the authorities likely to crackdown hard on road users in the event of an incident.

They said: “Autumn leaves can create a variety of hazardous driving conditions but allowing wet leaves to collect on your windscreen without clearing them could land you in trouble.

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“Under Regulation 30 of The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, drivers are warned they must keep all glass clear of obstruction.

“If leaves or autumn debris is impeding your visibility you could be in breach of the law. Make sure you regularly clear leaves and debris from your windscreen, windows, and around your bonnet.”

The Highway Code clearly states that a driver’s view should not be impeded with drivers needing to have a full clear view of the road ahead.

Hayley O’Connor, spokesperson for Go Car Credit explained: “With the changing weather, priority one is to stay safe in challenging autumn driving conditions. However, we also understand that people want to avoid paying unnecessary fines.”

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Leaves are more likely to be an issue for those living in rural areas such as the countryside.

However, some major cities also contain large trees which could drop their leaves onto vehicles over the coming weeks.

Alongside clearing windscreens, motorists have been urged to be careful of leaves which have dropped onto the road surface.

Experts at admit leaves could also be a severe safety risk as temperatures begin to drop.

They added: “As the trees start to drop their leaves, combined with the damp conditions, a pile of wet leaves on the road can be just as dangerous as a big puddle.

“Ensure to reduce your speed before driving over them, or if safe to do so, carefully swerve the pile altogether. Be mindful that a pothole may be hiding underneath.”

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