Londoners blast ULEZ ‘scam’ with petrol and diesel drivers affected by ‘new tax’

ULEZ: £12.50 daily charge introduced across London

Londoners have attacked Sadiq Khan’s new Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) expansion with many calling the project a money-making scheme and a “scam”.

Social media users blasted the Mayor as the scheme was rolled out to Outer London boroughs. The changes mean petrol and diesel owners as far out as Bromley and Harrow could be slapped with £12.50 per day fees.

This would see drivers forced to pay around £375 per month if they decided to use their vehicles every day.

Angry Twitter user @KenCart81452749 posted: “If I’m paying £12.50 a day, I’m getting my monies worth.

“I’m going to borrow the oldest s***iest car with no Cat converter and sit in traffic revving the f*** out of it for the full 24hrs.”

READ MORE The towns affected by ULEZ expansion MAPPED — is your area affected?

Many locals have questioned Khan’s motivation for introducing the scheme with motorists baffled at the concept of being able to “pay to pollute”.

@GarthGibbons said: “How does paying £12.50 to drive a polluting vehicle into London somehow (miraculously) make the air cleaner? If this isn’t a tax, why didn’t you just ban all polluting vehicles and make an actual difference?”

@FreddTaylor1st reacted: “So the vehicles are not banned from London? Just charged? So tell me how that action is making air cleaner.”

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@James530719 added: “It’s simply a ‘pay to pollute’ scheme, which will have no effect on air quality!”

@Qtkttn wrote: “What a scam!!!! £12.50 to do my grocery shopping and take my kids to school as there is no bus within .5 a mile of my house. Thank you Khan for taking away any hope of a holiday for my kids and no money for activities anymore. Thank you.”

@siasees remarked: “Just another tax! Nothing to do with cleaner air. Wakey, wakey.”

Some social media users also made it clear they could not afford to replace their vehicles despite Khan’s £2,000 scrappage scheme. Electric vehicles are usually expensive raising fears low-income families will likely be affected the most.

@RebelHQ posted: “Struggling nurses, care workers, elderly, the poor and the grafters will pay £12,50 a day more to drive. The rich, the wealthy, the non-doms, the Russian Oligarchs, the Knights, the Sirs and the Mayor of London will pay nothing more.”

Last week, a spokesperson for the Mayor of London claimed the ULEZ expansion would actually lose money in the long run.

A statement read: “The ULEZ is not a money-making scheme and within a few years, as compliance increases, it will actually make a net loss.

“Any revenues raised are ringfenced and reinvested into London’s transport network, including investing in state-of-the-art electric buses, improving transport links in outer London.”

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