‘I was a NASA engineer – a four-step method clears your windscreen in seconds’

A popular YouTuber has revealed the quickest way to demist a windscreen on cold mornings, stating it can be cleared in half the time that most methods take.

Mark Rober is a former NASA engineer who now produces YouTube videos for his channel, which has nearly 30million subscribers and over 4billion views.

In one of his videos, Mark shares the frustration of driving in the winter, when many car windscreens mist up and take time to clear.

He said: “One of the suckiest things about driving your car in the winter is when you’re already late for work and then you get in your car and the windows look like this [fogged up].

“Some cars have a single button to defrost all the windows, but a lot of cars have controls that look like these. But since you’re in a hurry the question becomes what optimal combination of settings will defog the windows quickest.”

In the video, Mark sets up a consistent temperature inside his car and tests a number of methods to see which cleared the windscreen faster.

He explained that drivers should start by turning their heater onto full blast as increasing the temperature inside the car can help to reduce moisture and condensation.

Then, Mark added that drivers should turn on the air conditioning in order to remove the moisture in the air, an effect that he noted is similar to wringing out a towel.

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According to Mark, drivers should also be mindful that the recirculation function of their vehicle’s heater is switched off.

He added: “Number three, make sure inside air circulation is off. Winter air is cold, and we know that it doesn’t hold much moisture, so if you bring it into your car and then heat it up it has a lot of absorption capacity.

“And finally, number four, crack your windows [down] for a little bit. Now, this may not be possible if it’s freezing cold or it’s raining outside, but cracking as many windows as possible, even for a few seconds, helps by initially exchanging the humid air in your car with the dry air from outside.”

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Later in the video Mark said that, whilst the results will vary depending on the temperature, humidity and the kind of car, his method works much faster than many other ways in which drivers defog their windscreen.

However, he added that drivers who still experience issues demisting the windscreen of their car should fill a sock with cat litter and place it on the dashboard to absorb moisture in the air.

Motorists can also buy an anti-fog windscreen treatment liquid or shaving cream, which makes the windscreen less likely to fog up.

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