eBay creates perfect garage for car lovers – complete with full body workshop

The car buff’s ultimate garage has been revealed, complete with an inspection pit, hydraulic lift – and Batman-style turntable. Combining the thoughts of 2,000 car enthusiasts, with a design firm’s architectural know-how, an image of the perfect vehicle storage area has been created.

It includes space for two classic motors, as well as automated doors, custom tool cabinets – and every wrench a car enthusiast could ever need. Other features include a top-of-the-range car diagnostics tool, task lighting, and eco-friendly air con and heating.

The perfect garage, commissioned by eBay with the help of design firm, Bindloss Dawes, also features a state-of-the-art security system, to keep vehicles and equipment safe from harm.

It comes after the study found 42 percent of garage owners feel their current outbuilding stops them from fulfilling their passion for cars.

As a result, 64 percent would consider moving house if it came with the “perfect garage” – paying 4.9 percent over a property’s asking price for such an amenity.

Laura Richards, for eBay UK, a seller of automotives, and automotive tools and accessories, said: “Garages were originally designed to house cars – but with vehicles getting bigger and bigger, they no longer provide enough space.

“This got us wondering what the perfect garage would look like now – specifically according to car enthusiasts, who spend their weekends undertaking car repairs and modifications.

“Respondents were not short of ideas, knowing exactly what they want from their ultimate motoring sanctuary.”

The study also found the Aston Martin DB5 (22 percent) is the car those polled would most like to have in their perfect garage.

However, the Jaguar E-Type (18 percent), Porsche 911 (17 percent), Ford Mustang (17 percent), and the Audi R8 (17 percent), wouldn’t be out of place.

The ideal garage would also have a large tool chest for storage, along with a complete selection of hand tools essential for car repairs and fine-tuning.

A car charging port would feature, too – in addition to a tyre changer, air compressor, and a hydraulic car lift. And a full body workshop, ventilation for spray painting, and built-in drainage, so owners can wash their car indoors, would also be key ingredients.

Pleasingly for neighbours, 79 percent would want their garage to be soundproof, while 71 percent would ensure it was eco-friendly.

It wouldn’t just include car-related items or features, however – as a fridge/freezer, mini-kitchen, jukebox, and pool table were also deemed as must-haves.

The study, carried out through OnePoll, found 58 percent of car enthusiasts already have a garage, with 22 percent of those spending three or more hours a week in the space.

Laura Richards, spokeswoman for eBay UK, which has more than 60,000 car tool listings, added: “The study helps show just how important garages are to motoring enthusiasts.

“However, the findings also suggest many UK garages aren’t fit for purpose – at least as far as car fans are concerned.”

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