Drivers advised to keep number plate clean this winter or face a huge fine

The car insurance comparison site has urged drivers that keeping their car clean and in good condition during the winter can save them from expensive fines.

As the temperatures remain low, many motorists could be deterred from spending time outside making sure their car is in a roadworthy condition.

However, Greg Wilson, founder of, warned motorists that not looking after their car during winter can lead to a rise in insurance prices.

He explained: “Winter is the most challenging time of the year to be hitting the roads and if drivers are not careful, it’s easy to make costly mistakes.

“These simple errors however can result in eye-watering fines and penalty points on licences. Just three points on a licence can add 5 percent to premiums every year, while six points can increase premiums by as much as 25 percent.”

READ MORE: Used car buyers urged to spend a minute checking number plate or risk fines or repairs

Quotezone noted that motorists must make sure that their vehicle is kept clean during the winter months, a time when the roads are typically wet and covered in grit.

Not only can washing the dirt from cars improve visibility and prevent the salt used to clear ice from encouraging rust to form, it can also help drivers avoid fines.

In particular, motorists can be fined £1,000 if their vehicle’s number plates are obscured by dirt, making it hard to identify.

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In addition, Greg added that drivers must check that their vehicle’s tyres have enough tread and pressure, else they could face a driving ban.

He advised: “Motorists can be fined a hefty £2,500 for each faulty tyre and receive three points on their driving licence. If the police see another tyre falling short, it doubles to £5,000 and six points.

“Four faulty tyres could even see the maximum 12 points, resulting in losing a driving licence. Commercial vehicle drivers, where the car or van is owned by their employer – could land firms with penalties of up to £20,000.”

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