New driving law changes this November with petrol and diesel at risk

Motorists could be caught out by a series of new driving law changes likely to affect road users this autumn.

Petrol and diesel owners may be at particular risk with a potential rise in fuel duty costs being considered.

This could see fuel prices rise as families continue to battle the ongoing cost of living crisis.

However, changes to EV charging rules and extra pothole funding could also be allocated in a couple of small wins for Britons.

Fuel standards consultation – November 10

A Government consultation has asked whether the UK should adopt European Union car rules that will end in just days. The survey asked whether cars sold in the UK should be subject to stricter test procedures to keep in line with the continents.

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Manufacturers have generally backed the new proposals which would see Euro 6e emissions standards replace Euro 6d rules.

Fuel duty – November 22 

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is expected to address a series of vital motoring topics which could lead to widespread changes this month with fuel duty possibly top of the agenda.

Mr Hunt froze fuel duty back in March but is under pressure to increase costs slightly this time around. According to the Telegraph, Treasury officials are pushing the Chancellor to raise the charge for the first time in more than a decade.

It is predicted that a slight 2p increase would rake in an extra £5million into the public coffers.

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If the plan goes ahead, duty will rise to 55p a litre for petrol and diesel vehicles in another blow for those owning internal combustion vehicles.

However, raising costs could lead to a backbench Tory revolt with many in the sorry calling for further freezes. It is understood 19 Conservative MPs have signed a survey backing a further cut in fuel duty with 28 calling for the tax to remain at the same level.

Conservative MP John Hayes said: “People need a vehicle to get to work and to do other essential things in their lives, so I am opposed to a rise in fuel duty.

“The last thing we want to do is put more costs on hard-working families, and that is why we have frozen fuel duty for a very long time.”

Autumn Budget – November 22

Alongside fuel duty issues, Mr Hunt could address potholes and EV charging in the Autumn budget. Meanwhile, he may decide to make further announcements regarding the nation’s now delayed petrol and diesel car ban.

The AA has called on the Chancellor to allocate more funds to victims of pothole damage after one of the worst years on record for incidents. The motoring group said extra funding was “desperately needed” to address the “plague” sweeping the nation.

The AA added: “We know that longer-term funding has been pledged from HS2 savings but the Chancellor has the opportunity to give some short-term pothole relief by announcing more cash for roads in his Autumn Statement.”

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