‘I’ve been a mechanic for 56 years – don’t fall for a common dealership key rip-

A new spare key from a car dealership can cost as much as £400 ($500) — but an experienced mechanic has outlined a few straightforward steps to prevent you from falling into this money pit.

The auto technician, Scotty Kilmer, published his advice on YouTube, with drivers reacting to the lesson in comments. 

First, Scotty (@scottykilmer) explains in his YouTube clip that you always need two car keys since most keys nowadays come with anti-theft technology, meaning they’re programmed to only work on your vehicle, so losing your only copy spells bad news.

Misplacing your only key will make the replacement more difficult and expensive, given the original version won’t be there to streamline the process.

Scotty first instructs viewers with one key to go to eBay or Amazon to buy a blank key for their car.

Next, he recommends visiting a locksmith so you can have the blank key cut to match your original. 

He clarifies locksmiths will reprogram a blank fob to match your vehicle if your car uses an electronic key. 

Scotty estimates this locksmith stage will cost around $50, which he emphasizes is less than an average dealership’s rates.

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Lastly, Scotty urges viewers to safely store their vehicle’s second key in an organized drawer so it’s easily accessible if needed.

One viewer commented on Scotty’s video: “50 bucks![?] Ford dealerships ripped me off. I paid [$]350 for a new key and key fob. 

Another YouTube account gave Scotty a testimonial: “Yes, thanks, Scotty — took your advice on the Locksmith to fix a proximity chip issue with one of my vehicles; [it] was 1/3 the cost of what the dealer wanted!”

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