‘I’m a car expert – drivers risk concerns by following TikTok tip’

A Solution To Keyless Car Theft – Un-hackable Vehicle Device

Drivers have been warned of “significant concerns” by following a popular social media hack, according to an expert.

It comes after a TikTok user recently revealed a cheap hack to reprogramme a key fob for just under £20.

The influencer is frustrated they cannot use a keyless car fob on a 20-year-old car and orders a range of parts to solve the issue.

The motorist is then seen messing around with the car interior in a bid to get the new fob to work.

Her method appeared a success but a leading specialist has urged drivers to never follow the advice.

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Graham Conway, Managing Director at Select Car Leasing said following the tip could see drivers slapped with “costly repairs”.

Mr Conway warned motorists also risked severe injury or even death if they tampered with vehicle electronics without any idea of what to do.

He explained: “At first glance, this might seem like a cost-effective plan, as getting a new key and having it programmed at a dealership can be quite expensive, potentially costing several hundred pounds.

“However, there are some significant concerns to consider. Firstly, delving into your car’s electrical system without proper knowledge and skills is risky. Especially with older cars, as the electrical components may develop issues over time.

“Attempting to reprogramme a key fob without understanding the intricacies of the car’s electrical system may lead to unforeseen issues and potentially costly repairs down the line.

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“This risk is amplified when the person making the attempt is relying solely on information gleaned from a TikTok video or other online sources.

“Another important thing to consider is safety. Mishandling car electrics, particularly when it comes to key fob programming, can pose the risk of electrocution if the car’s battery is not isolated properly. This is a potentially life-threatening hazard that should not be underestimated.”

Experts at JD Power said keyless entry systems are “great additions” for all vehicles. They stressed the installation process is “not complex” but admitted there was no shame in visiting a garage if motorists were struggling.

This was backed up by Mr Conway who stressed safety was more important than saving cash.

He added: “Of course, the decision to replace and programme a key fob yourself can be a viable option if you have the necessary knowledge and skills. However, it can be dangerous if you’re attempting this without a solid understanding of your vehicle’s electrical system.

“When in doubt, it is always advisable to seek the expertise of trained professionals who can perform the task safely and correctly, even if it comes at a higher cost. Safety and the long-term health of your vehicle should always take precedence over short-term savings.”

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