Halfords’ top tips for clearing frozen windscreens – avoid ‘common mistake’

Freezing temperatures in the early mornings mean one thing, icy windscreens – the nemesis of commuters in a rush to get to work.

Opening your front door and discovering that your windscreen has been completely frozen is an incredibly frustrating feeling, and drivers take to a number of methods to de-ice their window in the fastest possible way.

According to research conducted by Halfords earlier this year, over a fifth of Britons have used boiling water to clear their frozen windscreen – with 16 percent of them cracking their window in the process.

Many drivers take to innovative, and sometimes extreme, methods to defrost their icy windscreens in the morning – Halford’s research confirmed that 28 respondents out of the 2,000 person survey said they had used a flamethrower to de-ice their car.

Besides flamethrowers there are plenty of viral hacks to defrost windscreens, such as rubbing an onion on your windscreen the night before an expected cold snap or filling up a plastic bag with warm water and rubbing it over your window.

READ MORE: Expert urges drivers to rub shaving foam on their car in simple de-mist tip 

Although these are effective methods of de-icing windscreens, Halfords have shared their top tips on how you can tackle frozen windscreens this winter.

Use a heater correctly 

Starting your car heater on a cold setting and slowly increasing the temperature is the correct way to use your heater to de-ice your windscreen. This allows the air to dry out, rather than overloading the car with hot and wet air from the get go.

Make sure that your heater is blasting air directly at your windows and windscreen, this ensures that the glass is heated up and stops water vapour from condensing it again.

Use a quality ice scraper 

Scraping off the ice is a tempting and fast option. Many drivers make the common mistake of using objects such as credit cards or spatulas to remove the ice, which could cause financial and windscreen damage.

A good quality designated ice scraper can be purchased from Halfords as little as £1. When using a scraper, apply gentle but firm pressure and avoid excess force to prevent windscreen damage. To efficiently remove the ice and ensure a clear, safe view for driving, use a top-to-bottom, side-to-side motion when scraping.

Don’t miss…
Drivers urged to rub pumpkins on car windscreens in ‘game-changing’ de-ice tip[WINTER TIP ]
Ford owners can de-ice car windscreen in ‘60 seconds’ with simple button[DE ICING]
‘Use my genius method to stop your windscreen freezing overnight – it’s so easy'[CAR HACK]

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Keep windscreen wash topped up 

Did you know windscreen wash also includes deicer? Keeping it topped up is essential for deicing on the go.

Use a card dehumidifier 

To minimise condensation and damp inside the vehicle and help prevent ice forming on the inside of any windows, consider using a car dehumidifier.

Consider getting a Duxback windscreen treatment 

Duxback is a revolutionary glass treatment that helps prevent ice from forming or sticking on your windscreen or any glass that has been treated. Duxback treatment is £25 at Halfords garages and lasts for up to six months.

Keep your car covered 

An option for avoiding ice forming on your windscreen in the first place is to keep your car covered. You could park in a garage or under a carport, although this may not be possible for everyone.

An alternative, preventative option is to use a car cover – a handy sheet that keeps your windscreen and other windows covered to stop ice and snow settling on them.

Change where you park your car

Another alternative if you don’t have a cover to hand is to park your car with the front windscreen facing east. As the sun rises in the east, you’ll be ensuring that your windscreen gets as much sunlight as possible before you need to leave, meaning plenty of natural melting time.

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