DVSA announces new MOT change set to impact millions of motorists immediately

MOT: Quick checks to do before having your test

Millions of motorists will notice a simple MOT change which has been introduced immediately by the DVSA. 

Officials have updated the MOT reminder service to make the programme “even easier” for road users. 

The reminder service sends prompts to customers a month before their MOT test is due to remind them to book a test. 

But, the simple nature of the programme meant road users were often contacted about MOT tests on cars they no longer owned. 

A new update has aimed to fix this to ensure motorists sent incorrect messages are not left confused.

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According to the DVSA, the new improvements were introduced from Tuesday, October 31, 2023. 

They said: “Customers will no longer get unnecessary reminders for vehicles they no longer own. Instead, we’ll prompt them to update their reminder to their new vehicle.  

“We will automatically unsubscribe a vehicle if the owner has notified DVLA that it has been scrapped.”

Officials confirmed the change had been made after following the feedback from those already signed up to the scheme.

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The updates were also introduced as the service celebrates passing the five million motorist milestone. 

The reminder programme was launched back in 2017 and is considered by DVSA chiefs to be “hugely successful”.  A staggering 75 percent of users said they would highLY recommend the service to their family and friends. 

Chris Price, DVSA’s Head of MOT Policy, said: “Our priority is to help everyone keep their vehicle safe to drive on Britain’s roads. 

“Five million people have now signed up to the MOT reminder service. This is the best way to know when your MOT is due.  

“We’ve listened to subscriber feedback and made it even easier for motorists to manage their reminders, by sending them a prompt when they notify DVLA about a change in their vehicle’s details.” 

Road users can receive a reminder one month before their car, van or motorcycle MOT is due if they sign up online at GOV.UK.

Warnings are issued two months before an MOT is due for heavier vehicles such as a lorry, bus or large trailer. 

To receive updates, road users need to provide their number plate details as well as a mobile phone number or email address.

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