Drivers urged to ‘just slow down’ to protect themselves from risk of black ice

The vehicle financing company Select Car Leasing has urged drivers to slow down and act cautious when driving this winter.

As temperatures fall approaching winter, parts of the UK are forecast to receive snow and sleet, with an increase in the risk of black ice and slippery surfaces.

Graham Conway, Managing Director of Select Car Leasing, warned drivers that they should always drive slowly and steadily when black ice is forecast.

He advised: “Black ice can catch you off guard. Just slow down – reducing your speed gives you more time to react to any unexpected icy patches.

“Keep a good distance from the vehicle in front to have a buffer in case of sudden stops or skids. It’s a simple precaution that can make a significant difference.”

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Select Car Leasing also highlighted the importance of motorists knowing how to correctly steer and brake when travelling over black ice.

To avoid skidding, drivers should avoid sudden movement by steering as gently as possible around patches.

Motorists should also use threshold braking, putting firm pressure on the pedal, without slamming them, giving the driver the ability to gently decrease their speed whilst keeping control.

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Graham also noted that, when driving in snowy or icy conditions, motorists should always turn on their headlamps.

He continued: “Use your headlights, even during the day. It helps you to see better and makes it easier for other drivers to spot you on the road.

“It’s a simple yet effective safety measure.”

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Finally, Graham highlighted that motorists should consider investing in a set of winter tyres which are able to offer more traction on the ice.

He added: “Winter tyres are designed for better grip on icy and snowy roads.

“Consider getting a set for the colder months. They can significantly improve your vehicle’s grip, reducing the likelihood of skidding on black ice.”

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