Custom Land Rover Defender EV Fits Inside A Superyacht

Imagine the following scenario: you’re roaming the seas in your multi-million dollar superyacht and decide to take a break from seeing water around you day and night. But what do you do after setting down the anchor – take an Uber?

For the extremely rich out there, UK-based Everrati might have the answer to this question, as their latest bespoke EV conversion has been designed specifically for the task of transporting people on the ground after setting foot on land.

Named Shore Tender, the vehicle in question is a classic Land Rover Defender that went through an extensive restoration process before being transformed into an all-electric luxury off-roader that’s been designed in collaboration with renowned superyacht designers Bannenberg & Rowell, and superyacht specialist brokers Edmiston.

Everrati, which is known for its Defender and Porsche 911 conversions, says this particular commission features a sailcloth roof awning, reclaimed ocean plastic floor panels, and removable doors and capstans to make it easier to store in the tender garage of a customer’s main vessel or support vessel.

Set to be revealed at this year’s Monaco Yacht Show that starts tomorrow, the custom EV can be recharged while transported on the water, although seeing how many superyachts are powered by massive diesel engines with nasty emissions, we don’t quite see eye to eye with Everrati’s claim that charging the car on the ship enables clean-air use in remote locations.

Gallery: Land Rover Defender “Shore Tender” EV Conversion by Everrati

Other than that, the list of luxury amenities continues with a custom champagne chiller located in the hood bulge, picnic hampers, as well as storage for equipment and towels under the benches. The exterior paint can be customized to match the mothership (how cool does that sound?), and custom duffel bags made from sailcloth and embroidered with the name of the yacht can be part of the package, adding an extra layer of customization.

Everrati says that the Shore Tender Defender can be ordered as a pair, giving customers the chance to “share the adventure experience of driving two vehicles at awe-inspiring destinations,” which sounds quite lavish, considering there would also be two yachts in the equation.

The UK-based firm’s latest creation is equipped with a bespoke electric powertrain and features OEM-grade components, as well as regenerative braking plus AC and DC fast charging capabilities, although the company doesn’t mention the power and energy storage figures. Everrati didn’t announce the price either, but seeing how a regular road-going Defender build starts from $225,000 (£185,000), according to the official website, it wouldn’t be crazy to think that the Shore Tender is even more expensive.

Source: Everrati

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