Car expert shares key tip for driving in Storm Ciarán – ‘can be a lifesaver’

Storm Ciarán is set to hit the UK on Wednesday night and into Thursday, bringing very high winds and huge downpours which could spell difficulty for many road users.

Some experts and meteorologists are predicting Storm Ciarán to break records for a November storm, with the air pressure at the centre set to drop so low that it overtakes the 948.4mb set in 1954.

All of this will make driving particularly precarious and warrant a real need for caution on the road.

Experts at UK auto group – a car-buying service with over 30 years in the automotive industry – have revealed their top tips for staying as safe as possible when driving in such conditions.

They said: “Safety is always paramount when it comes to driving, and this is no more true than during a storm.

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“Adverse weather conditions like Storm Ciarán can create major risks on the road if you’re not careful, but there are some simple ways to keep yourself safer.”

The first golden rule is to be prepared, checking the weather forecast and road conditions before you travel. If conditions are severe then ask yourself how necessary the trip is and whether or not it can wait.

The experts added: “You should also consider keeping an emergency kit in your car when going out in a storm.

“Items like blankets, flashlights, non-perishable food and a first-aid kit can be a lifesaver if you end up stuck somewhere.”

Likewise, if the storm worsens during your travel, find a safe place to pull over and wait for the worst of it to pass.

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“It is always better to be safe than sorry when driving in a storm,” they said. “Your safety and that of other drivers is worth more than any appointment or deadline.”

Another key precaution to take when driving in a storm is to slow down, especially due to the combination of reduced visibility and slippery roads.

You should also ensure you leave extra space between you and cars in front so you have more time to react, the experts have emphasised.

And last, but by no means least when it comes to driving safely in storms, is the importance of maintaining your tyres.

Peter Waddell, a car expert and the CEO of BigWantsYourCar, said: “Properly maintained tyres are your best friends when it comes to driving in a storm.

“Check your tyre tread and pressure regularly, and make sure they’re in top condition. This will give you the traction you need to drive through slippery roads safely.

“For a quick test of your tyre depth, get a 20p coin and place it in the main tread grooves of your tyre.

“If the tyre covers most of that outer edge of the coin, then it is above the legal depth limit. If the outer edge is mostly visible, then your tyres don’t have enough tread depth and will need replacing as soon as possible.

“We’d also recommend you don’t go out on the road with tyres in poor condition during wet conditions, as they won’t be able to displace water enough, resulting in ‘aquaplaning’ and a loss of control over your car.”

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