Campaigners call for more 20mph speed limits despite Rishi Sunak pledge

Road safety campaigners have demanded councils introduce more 20mph speed limits across the UK.

Gary Digva, founder of safety experts Road Angel admitted there was “not enough” 20mph speed zones with more urgently needed.

Back in September, Wales introduced a national 20mph speed limit on roads in urban areas.

However, councils in England still have the authority to decide where to place 20mph speed limits based on local factors.

Speaking to, Mr Digva said: “I’m 100 percent for 20mph. I can’t stress this enough. Safer roads are better for everybody and I’d rather get somewhere on time or five minutes late than have the risk of running someone over.

READ MORE Furious drivers fume they can’t drive uphill due to 20mph Welsh speed limits

“Because it’s something you’ve got to carry on your conscience for your life and the risks are unbelievable. What motorists don’t understand is they just look at communication or travelling times. If it’s 20 mph it will take longer to get there.

“The council could put roadworks in, they could put another set of traffic lights in there, they could put sleeping policemen, so you’ve got to adjust your travel time anyway.

“And 20mph will not make a massive difference to 30mph in the areas that it is applying to but what it will do if someone is run over at 20mph it is the difference between life and death.

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“Councils are not doing this lightly, they are not just blanket doing the 20mph. They are doing it depending on the residential, the population and the risk. I think there’s not enough of them, there needs to be more.”

According to the Welsh Government, a public health study estimated the new 20mph zone in Wales could reduce collisions by around 40 percent.

This would result in between six and 10 lives saved every year with up to 2,000 individuals avoiding injuries.

But, the calls could be at odds with Rishi Sunak’s long-term vision for motorists with the Government looking at restricting councils’ right to impose the speed cuts.

In its latest Plan for Drivers, the Government has promised to update guidance around 20mph speed limits to help prevent blanket use. Instead, they warned that 20mph limits “must be used appropriately where people want them”.

Mr Digva added: “When you put children into that mix and a few pets it can go horribly wrong. 20mph is enough for you to react to safely slow down and hopefully cause nothing serious.”

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