{"id":247354,"date":"2023-12-05T04:19:01","date_gmt":"2023-12-05T04:19:01","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/automotobuzz.com\/?p=247354"},"modified":"2023-12-05T04:19:01","modified_gmt":"2023-12-05T04:19:01","slug":"high-beam-menace-in-indian-cities-can-we-bring-about-a-change","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/automotobuzz.com\/news-features\/high-beam-menace-in-indian-cities-can-we-bring-about-a-change\/","title":{"rendered":"High beam menace in Indian cities: Can we bring about a change?"},"content":{"rendered":"

There are a lot of people that drive with their very powerful high beams on in the city.<\/h2>\n

BHPian Yesterdaysnews <\/strong>recently shared this with other enthusiasts.<\/p>\n

A part of this has been discussed at length elsewhere – with car lights getting more powerful, high beams are frustrating and dangerous – both oncoming and also from vehicles tailing.<\/p>\n

I am from Chennai, and though traffic is much better off than most cities, increasingly more and more people drive with their head lights on – especially cabs and Tata Ace type vehicles.<\/p>\n

I avoid Bangalore like the plague because of its ill mannered traffic but today I had to come into the city and drive for a few hours after sun down. There are a lot of people that drive with their very powerful high beams on in the city – much more than Chennai.<\/p>\n

In tier 2 towns, most of the cars drive with high beams on.<\/p>\n

Driving with High beams on when not necessary and in cities is a punishable offence under the MVA.<\/p>\n

Could I propose Team BHP and BHPians spear head a movement including petitioning authorities to take action and curb this dangerous and frustrating menace?<\/p>\n

I\u2019d like to mention another group which really spear headed driving with out borders. The group, aptly named Drive Without Borders was instrumental in bringing BH registrations into force and otherwise also ended a LOT of hassling, especially in Bangalore where cops would hound out of state registered vehicles. Though the law says one can drive in other state for 12 months, Bangalore police would constantly hassle cars registered in other states and claim they could be driven in Karnataka only for 3 months. They\u2019d ask for proof in the form of toll receipts, petrol bills etc. to show that the vehicle had entered within 3 months.<\/p>\n

Drive without Borders was instrumental in ending this. They filed petition after petition, even met with Nitin Gadkari and other transport officials repeatedly and ensured Bh registrations were bought out, and also ended the menace of Bangalore cops collecting hefty amounts as fines and bribes.<\/p>\n

Can we bunch together, pool in money and other resources and start a campaign to get police to legally enforce no high beam rules? And also to educate people – even those who are not on Team Bhp or have no knowledge of this forum to be not use high beams in the city, and to dim the lights in highways – both for oncoming traffic and also when tailing another car – even if there is no oncoming traffic?<\/p>\n

Not only will this drive positive change and make Indian roads and cities safer and pleasurable to drive in, but it will also increase the credence of Team Bhp and the forums reach – taking this forum into higher heights than it already is.<\/p>\n

We are the cr\u00e8me de la cr\u00e8me of drivers in India. We understand vehicles, engines, handling and driving manners better than a whole lot of drivers on Indian roads. Team BHP for many is the trusted source for reviews. The forum as we all know is well managed and each post and thread is meaningful, informative and powerful.<\/p>\n

Let\u2019s, please, now drive positive change. Let\u2019s petition the government and authorities, file cases in courts forcing implementation, run eduction campaigns.<\/p>\n

Let\u2019s bring the pleasure back in driving. With increasingly good roads, educating people on how to drive with courtesy and manners is the need of the hour!<\/p>\n

Here’s what BHPian IshaanIan <\/strong>had to say on the matter:<\/p>\n


I am all for it\u00a0 not aware of the processes involved but more than happy to contribute in any way possible to this cause. One major aspect is that people are not encouraged to keep check on their visual health. Many people who require glasses go on without wearing them and then use high beams to compensate for their poor vision. Heck people from less fortunate bits of society even think it is dangerous to treat their vision impairments. I had a house help lady who had cataracts and we offered to pay for her surgery and recovery yet her family advised her against the procedure because they were afraid.<\/p>\n

If we can bring about change in this area it would be huge because that will be the first step we take toward having more considerate drivers on our roads.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

Here’s what BHPian svsantosh <\/strong>had to say on the matter:<\/p>\n


Just like bad road manners (lane change, honking, speeding), I feel the HIGH beam issue is also right up there as top-5. I have been shot gun in many cars in my life just you many of you here. Be it private taxis, uber, olas, family friend car, co-worker car, both inside and outside India.<\/p>\n

You may find it hard to believe that many of the usual high beam (ab?)users are sadly from my Indian friends circle. And problem is more to do with ignorance than arrogance. I have corrected all high beam users, at least raised an objection whenever I make out the car is on high beam. You wont believe their 1st question – “Aare, how did you know I was on High Beam?” Face Palm! Right? Wrong – It just takes a few seconds to educate them about the blue indicator in the dash console and they understand it and immediately correct themselves. Yes – there are the usual arrogant ones where Law has to play its role, but many abusers I have dealt with (so called educated and civilized own car owners) who genuinely think the ‘Blue’ indicator means the ‘Light’ is turned on. The dont know that one has to drive in low beam always.<\/p>\n

PS – I wonder at times, why make high beam lighs at all!! Our roads can be a better place to drive without them…<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

Here’s what BHPian electric_eel <\/strong>had to say on the matter:<\/p>\n


When I moved from Kanpur to Kerala I was pleasantly surprised to find that many here actually dim the lights when they find an on coming car and sometimes all that one needs is a simple flashing if they forgot to switch back (of course there are some black sheep out there). On the other hand many do not know that one needs to use low beam even when following a car. I have found that an otherwise well driven car (no tailgating, no honking etc) often forget to switch of their high beam. As with tailgaters I start deploying my “pehele aap” strategy but some of them are too polite and respond with “nahi pehele aap” .<\/p>\n

Plus there are those two wheelers with I guess modified lighting whose lights are painful even on a slightly cloudy days. They are the worst.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

Here’s what BHPian Shreyans_Jain <\/strong>had to say on the matter:<\/p>\n


I think a lot of this is because low beams are absolutely terrible on most cars. Secondly, as we generally do not have the culture of cleaning our cars ourselves, the front windscreens go dirty. Especially on the inside. That just kills visibility at night. Pushes people to use high beam to see better.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

Here’s what BHPian SanjuNair5 <\/strong>had to say on the matter:<\/p>\n


Part of the issue is, that’s how most newbie drivers are taught. I know a few friends and colleagues who were taught by driving schools to drive with high beam and switch to low beam only when necessary! And many of the wrong habits called out on several threads on TBHP are taught or not taught to avoid at driving schools.<\/p>\n

That also brings me to a couple of questions that are relevant to this thread;<\/p>\n