{"id":244999,"date":"2023-11-13T13:19:36","date_gmt":"2023-11-13T13:19:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/automotobuzz.com\/?p=244999"},"modified":"2023-11-13T13:19:36","modified_gmt":"2023-11-13T13:19:36","slug":"polestar-0-and-the-quest-for-the-carbon-neutral-car","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/automotobuzz.com\/car-reviews\/polestar-0-and-the-quest-for-the-carbon-neutral-car\/","title":{"rendered":"\u200bPolestar 0 and the quest for the carbon neutral car"},"content":{"rendered":"

Polestar wants to build a truly carbon neutral car by 2030 and although it\u2019s a huge challenge, the Polestar 0 project means business<\/h2>\n


Since 2021, Polestar has been working on the Polestar 0 project. Its aim is simple, to produce a carbon neutral car by 2030, but getting there is anything but.\u00a0<\/p>\n

It\u2019s worth remembering why the global automotive industry is in the throes of an electric car revolution. Carbon emissions are causing climate change with its catalogue of undesirable side effects. Petrol and diesel cars are a major source of the harmful emissions that are heating the planet and electric cars are a clean, viable and relatively painless alternative. But electric cars are not carbon neutral.<\/p>\n

To be truly carbon neutral a car needs to emit no CO2 throughout its manufacturing, use and end-of-life phases. If charged from sustainable power sources, electric cars can manage the middle one. To achieve those goals that bookend the use phase, the focus needs to be on materials and manufacturing techniques. That\u2019s the essence of the Polestar 0 project.<\/p>\n